Grow with Us
Rolling Greens, Inc. is seeking further growth across the United States.

If you are a business owner with a thriving company, there are numerous positive reasons to consider partnering with us.
Perhaps, you’ve achieved remarkable success and are ready for a new chapter. Maybe you are looking for the opportunities to explore fresh venues of growth. At Rolling Greens, we value your accomplishments and are excited to be part of your journey forward.
Selling a portion or all your shares doesn’t just mark an end; it opens doors to new beginnings. It can provide the resources you need to innovate, expand, or pursue ventures you’ve always dreamed of.
By joining forces with Rolling Greens, you are not just selling, you are embracing a strategic partnership that holds the potential to take your accomplishments to new heights.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to us today to explore the exciting opportunities that await. Your next success story starts with a conversation.
-Rolling Greens, Inc.
Our International Group Companies
Universal Engeisha in Japan
Universal Engeisha is the leading interiorscape company in Japan. They specialize in many areas such as rental greens, flowers, landscape, gift, artificial flowers and so on.
Mirage Design Landscape in Singapore
Mirage Design Landscape and Contract Pte Ltd envisions to be the leading organization in providing the highest quality landscape architecture and horticultural services Singapore.
Huanqiu Green in Shanghai, China
Shanghai Huanqiu Gardening Products Leasing Co., Ltd. is committed to creating a comfortable ecological environment for all customers throughout Shanghai.